Sunday, May 31, 2009


So what's happened since I last posted?
I've tried more and more vegan food. Restriction of amount of calories really wasn't my goal this week. It was figuring out what was good and what wasn't. What wasn't? Only a few things, like hemp milk which is too thick. There were a lot of things that were excellent tasting. I ate too much this week, which is clear but I also figured out I was PMSing. I exercised a few times, went on walks, and went swimming. The big downer was on thursday I got a case #2 sprain. Thus, i'm going to be in a boot for a week or so more. Icky. However, with a two week pass to Pure Fitness (courtest of Nicole) I can use the rowing machines. I've never used them before but sounds exciting.
What are my next goals? Well, I was thinking about going and fasting the whole week with my boot on, but I'm not mentally ready for that since I'm having a hard time with eating only when hungry and stopping when full. Thus, while I have the boot on and maybe for a week after I plan on fasting every other day. I've done some research and it helps people prepare for a fast that is for a week or so. Also, it cleans out your system and helps you realize what hunger is again. This will be hard right now since food is always around, but I can do it. Especially if I chew on lots of ice and keep away from the house. I'm thinking reading and meditation are going to help a lot. So tomorrow I'll fast on just water.
What will I eat on days I eat? I know the Bitches said don't count calories, but for a few weeks I will just to get my eating under control. 1200 calories is my goal for the days I do eat. That'll actually be a lot of vegan food. Yummy. My family's going to support me and I plan on keeping a food journal, as well.
Weight loss clearly hasn't insued yet because I've loved trying all the scrumptious vegan food. However, I have to start soon because the summer's getting away.
I'll post more and more fauthfully tomorrow.

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