Friday, May 22, 2009

The Experiment

Beginning on Sunday May 24, 2009, I will enter into a summer long experiment. What is the experiment may you ask? To follow, rule by rule, the book Skinny Bitch. If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it. It'll open your eyes to a lot of misconceptions about health in the western world. There's also Skinny Bastard for men and Skinny Bitch: Bun in the Oven for women who are preggers. The title of the book may be misconceiving; the book is not a get skinny quick scheme or a fad diet like Atkins or South Beach or a diet at all. Here are the basic concepts of the book:
1) Take care of yourself so you can take care of others.
2)Eat a vegan diet (no meat, dairy, eggs, honey)
3)Abstain from any processed/refined foods. NO TYPE OF FAKE SUGARS.
4)Don't drink coffee everyday (occasional cup is okay). "Soda is liquid satin." Beer is fattening and wines that are not organic or sulfite free are not good.
5)Don't pop a pill of Asprin, Advil, Tums, Midol, etc because of an ache
6)Exercise, but don't become a gym rat
7)Drink 8 bottles of water a day, green tea included
8)Use and eat organic, animal-free products
9)Eat when very hungry, so body's cleaning process is efficient. Stop when moderately full. Eat mindfully. Fasts on occasion may be a good idea, though research will be needed.
10. Become a healthy person, and not a bitch/bastard or scrawny bitch.
11.This is a lifestyle, not a diet. Learn from lessons, don't obsess or go overboard.
12. Read every label, research information on food/health (even that given in the book), don't trust the government to keep you safe, be smart and think for yourself.
13. Love yourself and others. Ditch people who hold you down. Don't boast about your new lifestyle.
14. "Comparison is the thief of joy" and there will always be skinnier, fitter, and prettier girls.

The "rules" make sense don't they? Live a life without processed foods. Move your butt. Appreciate your own accomplishes. Save tons of animals and land by not eating animals, animal by products, or using animal tested products. Pretty obvious, huh?

So why am I doing this? Why am I saying goodbye to nearly all restaurants? Buying expensive organic products? Giving up delicious black coffee? The shallow reasons: get rid of the freshman 15 I gained, get muscle tone, improve skin and hair and teeth quality, fit into my jeans. The deeper reasons: more confidence, enlightenment, knowing that I can do it, beating genetic odds of various health ailments, think less about the womanly trap of weight (ironic, I know), be able to have more energy, etc. Before I went to Denison, I could jump rope for thirty minutes, do thirty push-ups in a row, run up the south quad to ac quad stairs of Denison (if you go there, you know their terror), walk around 15,000 steps a day. Leaving Denison, haven't jumped rope in ages, around 10 push ups, walk up that terror with heavy breathing, walk around 8,000 steps a day. Inactivity, home sickness, cold and unpredictable weather, and late night snacking took it's toll. What I hope to gain from this experiment is an improved self perception, end of the comparison mill, awesome abs, release from addictions to sugar, caffeine, salt, etc.

In Conclusion
Basically, I am sure that this will become a lifestyle and not just a four month long experiment. I will write in this blog everyday about a topic of interest from Skinny Bitch, how I'm progressing, my successes and pitfalls, and my life in general. Please comment with anecdotes, likes, questions, constructive criticism, other sources, advice, etc. I hope you enjoy.

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